Simplifying Research Code With Modern Python Features

Cyril Matthey-Doret January 13, 2023 [programming] #python #genomics

Most scientific software is developed by researchers whose main area of expertise is not software engineering, and who may not have much time to dedicate to development. This often results in a tendency to ignore more advanced language features, such as failing to create custom types and instead over-rely on the language's built-in types.

While it is arguably better to avoid over-engineering to keep the code simple and accessible to a wider audience, using more advanced features can also improve readability and maintainability in larger codebases. In such situations, sticking to the built-ins can result in a code smell known as primitive obsession.

Fortunately, python provides several features to easily take advantage of custom types and interfaces with little overhead. In this post, I'll be showcasing a few modern(ish) python features that can help keep your code readable, and save you time in the long term.

I thank Fabian Egli for his feedback, which helped improve this post.

🪆 The problem

A few issues may arise when over-relying on built-ins to represent complex domain-specific models:

Let's take a look at an example that uses only built-ins organized into nested structures:

genes = [
    ("geneA", ("chr1", 1002, 1200, "+")),
    ("geneB", ("chr2", 39001, 39950, "-")),
genome = [("chr1", 141123, [genes[0]]), ("chr2", 131312, [genes[1]])]
read = ("chr2", 39800, 40002, "-")

def read_in_gene(read, genome):
    for chrom in genome:
        if chrom[0] == read[0]:
            for gene in chrom[2]:
                starts_in = gene[1][1] <= read[1] <= gene[1][2]
                ends_in = gene[1][1] <= read[2] <= gene[1][2]
                same_sign = gene[1][3] == read[3]
                if starts_in or ends_in:
                    return True
    return False

The code in this post was tested under python 3.10.4

We define a genome as a complex nested structure of built-in types (list, tuple, str, int). Then we write a function which will check whether an input read falls on a gene from a given genome. All intervals are 0-based and open.

Even with intuitive variable names (gene and not g) it takes a lot of mental effort to understand the nesting, and translate the numeric indices (e.g. gene[1][1]) into their meaning 🪆. This can make the code harder to understand and maintain.

🥉 Type hints

TypeAlias was introduced by PEP-613 in python 3.10 (2020)

Despite being a dynamically typed language, python provides type hints to specify the types of variables. Type hints are not enforced at runtime, but they go a long way to help the user (or yourself) understand how to use your code and structures. They are also well integrated with common IDEs, which will display hints and warn you in cases of inconsistencies.

Tip: If you use the Pylance extension in VScode, static analysis does not use type checking by default. To enable it, go to settings > extensions > Pylance and set Analysis: Type checking mode to "strict" or "basic".

Type hints can be provided to specify the function signature. In the example above, this would be very hard to read due to the nesting:

from typing import Literal

def read_in_gene(
    read: tuple[str, int, int, str, Literal['+', '-']],
    genome: list[tuple[str, int, list[str, tuple[str, int, int, Literal['+', '-']]]]],
) -> bool:

Moreover, if we decided to make a change in one of those structures, we would need to edit the type hints in the signature of every function that uses them. This is where TypeAlias and NewType can be useful:

from typing import Literal, NewType, TypeAlias

# Use NewType to denote the meaning of a type
Name = NewType("Name", str)
Size = NewType("Size", int)

# Use TypeAlias to define equivalents to complex signatures
Interval: TypeAlias = tuple[str, int, int, Literal['+', '-']]
Gene: TypeAlias = tuple[Name, Interval]
Chrom: TypeAlias = tuple[Name, Size, list[Gene]]

def read_in_gene(read: Interval, genome: list[Chrom]) -> bool:

The function signature is much easier to read, and we know that the genome is represented as a list of chromosomes right away. In an IDE such as VScode or PyCharm, placing the mouse over Chrom will show the alias definition:

(type alias) Chrom: Type[tuple[Name, Size, list[tuple[Name, tuple[str, int, int, Literal['+', '-']]]]]]

If we needed to change some data structures, we would only need to edit the hints in the alias definition.

Type hints are a great way of documenting code, and they can even be combined with tools like mypy or pyright to check for errors! In this example, however, the hints themselves are also hard to read because of the heavily nested structures, we need a better solution.

🥈 Named tuples

NamedTuple was introduced by PEP-526 in python 3.6 (2016)

Named tuples improve code readability by allowing name-based field access in your tuples. They also inherit regular tuple features:

from collections import namedtuple

Gene = namedtuple('Gene', ['name', 'chrom', 'start', 'end', 'sign'])
gene_1 = Gene('Gene1', 'chr1', 312, 344, '+')

# Allows standard tuple operations
chrom, start, end = gene_1[1:4]

# Adds name-based access semantics
gene_1.end - gene_1.start

typing.NamedTuple is a typed variant of namedtuple which can be subclassed to take advantage of type annotations mentioned earlier. The definitions are more verbose, but much easier to understand:

from typing import Literal, NamedTuple, Optional

class Interval(NamedTuple):
    """An optionally stranded, 0-based, open genomic interval."""

    chrom: str
    start: int
    end: int
    sign: Optional[Literal['+', '-']] = None

class Gene(NamedTuple):
    """A gene, consisting of a named entity with genomic coordinates."""

    name: str
    coord: Interval

class Chrom(NamedTuple):
    """A chromosome represented as a collection of genes"""

    name: str
    size: int
    genes: list[Gene]

genes = [
    Gene("geneA", Interval("chr1", 1002, 1200, "+")),
    Gene("geneB", Interval("chr1", 39001, 40050, "-")),
chroms = [Chrom("chr1", 141123, [genes[0]]), Chrom("chr2", 131312, [genes[1]])]
read = Interval(chrom="chr2", start=39800, end=40002, sign="-")

In this case, named tuple semantics also make it easier to figure out what's going on in the logic, but it still feels verbose and repetitive:

def read_in_gene(read: Interval, genome: list[Chrom]) -> bool:
    for chrom in genome:
        if == read.chrom:
            for gene in chrom.genes:
                starts_in = gene.coord.start <= read.start <= gene.coord.end
                ends_in = gene.coord.start <= read.end <= gene.coord.end
                same_sign = gene.coord.sign == read.sign
                if (starts_in or ends_in) and same_sign:
                    return True
    return False

🥇 Data classes

dataclass was introduced by PEP-557 in python 3.7 (2017)

Dataclasses offer the flexibility of python classes with minimal administrative overhead. First, we can define an interval dataclass. The simplest definition we can write looks almost identical to the previous NamedTuple subclass:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Literal, Optional

class Interval:
    """An optionally stranded, 0-based, open genomic interval."""

    chrom: str
    start: int
    end: int
    sign: Optional[Literal['+', '-']] = None

Again, placing the mouse over any occurrence of Interval should show the type hints, along with the docstring annotation:

`(class) Interval(chrom: str, start: int, end: int, sign: Literal['+', '-'] | None = None)`
`An optionally stranded genomic interval.`

Now, let's pretend that we want the ability to sort intervals (i.e. define interval1 > interval2). With a traditional class, this would require writing dunder methods __lt__ and/or __gt__ to define the behaviours of < and > operators.

With dataclasses, most dunder methods (__init__, __repr__, __eq__, ...) are automatically generated. Their behavior can be customized with arguments to the @dataclass decorator and the field() helper function.

For example, below, we use order=True to say that instances of Interval can be ordered. This will automatically define dunder methods __lt__ and __gt__. We then use field(compare=True) to specify which fields should be used in the comparison.

class Interval:
    """An optionally stranded, 0-based, open genomic interval."""

    chrom: str = field(compare=True)
    start: int = field(compare=True)
    end: int = field(compare=True)
    sign: Optional[Literal['+', '-']] = field(default=None, compare=False)

Dunder methods can also be manually implemented for specific operators. For the sake of this example, we are going to define the in operator by defining __contains__. This will be used to define whether another interval (at least partially) falls in the current interval.

For the sake of showing dataclasses, I overrid the in operator, but in practice, this can be confusing. A method like Interval.overlaps(self, other) would be a better choice.

It makes sense to move this logic into the Interval definition, because we will likely need to reuse it in many different functions.

class Interval:
    """An optionally stranded, 0-based, open genomic interval."""

    chrom: str = field(compare=True)
    start: int = field(compare=True)
    end: int = field(compare=True)
    sign: Optional[Literal['+', '-']] = field(default=None, compare=False)

    def __contains__(self, other: Interval) -> bool:
        """Checks if another interval overlaps with self."""
        starts_in = self.start <= other.start <= self.end
        ends_in = self.start <= other.end <= self.end
        same_sign = self.sign == other.sign
        return (starts_in or ends_in) and same_sign

Now we can sort intervals and check for overlap!

>>> read_1 = Interval('c1', 10, 15)
>>> read_2 = Interval('c1', 12, 17)
>>> read_1 in read_2
>>> sorted([read_2, read_1])
[Interval(chrom='c1', start=10, end=15, sign=None),
 Interval(chrom='c1', start=12, end=17, sign=None)]

We can reuse this Interval to define Gene and Chrom. Since a gene is just a named interval here, we can subclass Interval to inherit all its attributes and methods, and simply add an optional name attribute (or any gene-specific behavior we may want):

Since a chromosome contains a set of genes (which are a subclass of interval), we can easily define a helper method to check if a given interval overlaps any gene in a chromosome. This is shown below in Chromosome.gene_overlaps().

class Gene(Interval):
    """A named genomic interval."""

    name: Optional[str] = field(default=None, compare=False)

class Chrom:
    """A chromosome, represented as a collection of named genomic intervals."""

    name: str
    size: int
    genes: list[Gene]
    def gene_overlaps(self, interval: Interval) -> bool:
        for gene in self.genes:
            if interval in gene:
                return True
        return False

With the main overlap logic taken out, this function is much easier to read than the original version.

gene_1 = Gene(name="Gene1", chrom="chr1", start=1000, end=3000, sign="-")
gene_2 = Gene(name="Gene2", chrom="chr1", start=3500, end=4100, sign="-")
chrom = Chrom("chr1", 11000, genes=[gene_1, gene_2])
read = Interval("chr1", 2500, 3200, "-")

def read_in_gene(read: Interval, genome: list[Chrom]) -> bool:
    for chrom in genome:
        if chrom.gene_overlaps(read):
            return True
    return False

read_in_gene(read, [chrom])

dataclasses are more flexible than named tuples. However, they are not as fast and don't inherit the default tuple behaviors (hashable, iterable, unpackable). For a more detailed comparison, see this stackoverflow answer by Oleksandr Yarushevski's.

Here is the original code for comparison:

genes = [
    ("geneA", ("chr1", 1002, 1200, "+")),
    ("geneB", ("chr2", 39001, 39950, "-")),
genome = [("chr1", 141123, [genes[0]]), ("chr2", 131312, [genes[1]])]
read = ("chr2", 39800, 40002, "-")

def read_in_gene(read, genome):
    for chrom in genome:
        if chrom[0] == read[0]:
            for gene in chrom[2]:
                starts_in = gene[1][1] <= read[1] <= gene[1][2]
                ends_in = gene[1][1] <= read[2] <= gene[1][2]
                same_sign = gene[1][3] == read[3]
                if starts_in or ends_in:
                    return True
    return False

In summary, the complicated logic has been moved into the structure definitions, and for the better: each function is more modular (easier to read), and we can reuse them anytime we need new functions, instead of rewriting similar logic.

Using these features introduces the overhead of defining data structures. In this example, named tuples would probably be a good middle ground. For larger projects and algorithms, these definitions and the associated documentation (docstrings and type hints) represent a small cost compared to the long term gain in efficiency and clarity.

🍒 pydantic

pydantic (1.10.4) compatible with python 3.7-3.11

This package is not part of python's standard library, but I really like it, and it is a very useful package if you need to serialize your classes.

It provides a BaseModel class with serialization methods such as .dict(), .json(), as well as additional constrained types to validate instances.

In the example below, we define Interval as a subclass of BaseModel to access its neat features:

Here is the full example rewritten with pydantic:

from typing import Any, Literal, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, conint, root_validator, NonNegativeInt

# Genomic positions can not be negative
pos = conint(ge=0)

class Interval(BaseModel):
    """An optionally stranded, 0-based, open genomic interval."""

    chrom: str
    start: pos
    end: pos
    sign: Optional[Literal["-", "+"]]

    def __contains__(self, other: Interval) -> bool:
        """Checks if another interval overlaps with self."""
        starts_in = self.start <= other.start <= self.end
        ends_in = self.start <= other.end <= self.end
        same_sign = self.sign == other.sign
        return starts_in or ends_in and same_sign

class Gene(Interval):
    """A named genomic interval."""

    name: Optional[str]

class Chrom(BaseModel):
    """A chromosome, represented as a collection of named genomic intervals."""

    name: str
    size: NonNegativeInt
    genes: list[Gene] = []

    def genes_on_chrom(cls, values: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Checks that input genes are on the right chromosome."""
        genes = values.get("genes")
        curr_chrom = values.get("name")
        if genes is None:
            return values
        for gene in genes:
            if gene.chrom != curr_chrom:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{} is on {gene.chrom} but should be on {curr_chrom}"
        return values

If we try to enter a gene with negative coordinates, we get a clear error:

>>> gene_1 = Gene(name="Gene1", chrom="chr1", start=-1, end=3000, sign="-")
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for Gene
  ensure this value is greater than or equal to 0 (type=value_error.number.not_ge; limit_value=0)

Similarly, we cannot enter a gene from the chr1 into chr2:

>>> gene_1 = Gene(name="Gene1", chrom="chr1", start=-1, end=3000, sign="-")
>>> chrom_2 = Chrom(name="chr2", size=11000, genes=[gene_1])
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for Chrom
  Gene2 is on chr2 but should be on chr1 (type=value_error)[...]

Finally, pydantic allows serializing the instance to json. This is great for interoperability, as many tools are compatible with this format, and it is also simple to convert common genomic formats to or from json:

>>> gene_1 = Gene(name="Gene1", chrom="chr1", start=1000, end=3000, sign="-")
>>> gene_2 = Gene(name="Gene2", chrom="chr1", start=3500, end=4100, sign="-")
>>> chrom = Chrom(name="chr1", size=11000, genes=[gene_1, gene_2])
>>> print(chrom.json(indent=2))
  "name": "chr1",
  "size": 11000,
  "genes": [
      "chrom": "chr1",
      "start": 1000,
      "end": 3000,
      "sign": "-",
      "name": "Gene1"
      "chrom": "chr1",
      "start": 3500,
      "end": 4100,
      "sign": "-",
      "name": "Gene2"

Similarly, the parse_file method can instantiate the class directly from a json file!

>>> Chrom.parse_file('test.json')
Chrom(name='chr1', size=11000, genes=[Gene(chrom='chr1', start=1000, end=3000, sign='-', name='Gene1'), Gene(chrom='chr1', start=3500, end=4100, sign='-', name='Gene2')])

The object can also be converted into a json schema using Chrom.schema_json(). This can be very useful for validating data in other tools.

json schema
  "title": "Chrom",
  "description": "A chromosome, represented as a collection of named genomic intervals.",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "title": "Name",
      "type": "string"
    "size": {
      "title": "Size",
      "minimum": 0,
      "type": "integer"
    "genes": {
      "title": "Genes",
      "default": [],
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/Gene"
  "required": [
  "definitions": {
    "Gene": {
      "title": "Gene",
      "description": "A named genomic interval.",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "chrom": {
          "title": "Chrom",
          "type": "string"
        "start": {
          "title": "Start",
          "minimum": 0,
          "type": "integer"
        "end": {
          "title": "End",
          "minimum": 0,
          "type": "integer"
        "sign": {
          "title": "Sign",
          "enum": [
          "type": "string"
        "name": {
          "title": "Name",
          "type": "string"
      "required": [

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