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Magic The Gathering Ontology.

An ontology describing Magic: The Gathering. It provides the concepts and relationships needed to represent cards, their cost and abilities.

URI: Name: mtgo


Class Description
Ability A card ability, activated, triggered or static
AbilityCollection A collection of abilities and associated concepts
ActionSpecification A specification for an action
ActivatedAbility A card ability which can be activated for a cost
AnyArtifact A permanent representing a magical item, animated construct, or other objects...
AnyCreature A creature that can be summoned to the battlefield
AnyEnchantment A permanent which applies persistent magical effects
Artifact A card that represents an artifact that can be cast and put onto the battlefi...
ArtifactToken A token that represents an artifact that can be placed onto the battlefield b...
Card A card in the Magic The Gathering game
CardCollection A collection of cards and associated costs
Cost The cost of a card or ability
Counter A counter, such as a +1/+1 counter
Creature A card that represents a creature that can be cast and put onto the battlefie...
CreatureToken A token that represents a creature that can be placed onto the battlefield by...
Enchantment A card that represents an enchantment that can be cast and put onto the battl...
EnchantmentToken A token that represents an enchantment that can be placed onto the battlefiel...
Instant A card that represents an instant spell that can be cast
KeywordCounter A counter that gives a some ability to a permanent
Land A card that represents a land that can be tapped for mana
LifeCost The life cost of a card or ability
Mana A mana in the pool
ManaCost The mana cost of a card or ability
NamedThing A generic grouping for any identifiable entity
Permanent A card or token that can be put onto the battlefield
PowerToughnessCounter A counter that gives a power and toughness modifier to a creature
RuleStatement A statement in the rules text of a card or ability
Sorcery A card that represents a sorcery spell that can be cast
Specification A specification for a thing
Spell An object on the stack
StaticAbility A card ability which remains active until endgame once put into effect
Thing A generic grouping for any identifiable entity
TimeSpecification A specification for a time
Token A permanent that is not represented by a regular card and does not have a cas...
TriggeredAbility A card ability, triggered by an event
ValueSpecification A specification for a quantitative value


Slot Description
ability An ability associated with a card
ability_keyword An ability keyword
action An action taken by a player or card
action_spec A specification of an action
action_specifications Action specifications in the collection
activated_abilities Activated abilities in the collection
artist The artist who drew a card's illustration
back_face Back face corresponding to this card (front) face
card_set A pool of cards released together and designed for the same play environment
card_subtype The subtype(s) of a card, such as Equipment, Cat or Warrior
card_supertype The supertype(s) of a card, such as Basic, Legendary or Snow
card_type The text line below a card's illustration containing the card's type, subtype...
cards Cards in the collection
color The color of a card
condition A condition required for an activation
conditions RuleStatements in the collection
constraint A constraint on a time, quantity or action
converted_mana_cost The total mana cost for a card or ability, summed across all colors
cost A cost to play a card or ability
costs Costs in the collection
description A human-readable description for a thing
effect The effect of an ability
flavor_text The lore text at the bottom of a card
front_face Front face corresponding to this card (back) face
hybrid A hybrid mana cost can be paid with 1 mana of either of its component colors
id A unique identifier for a thing
intersection A conjunction of two objects (a and b)
mana_cost A mana cost for a card or ability
mana_costs Mana costs in the collection
name A human-readable name for a thing
oracle_text The official wording for the card effects
phyrexian A phyrexian mana cost can be paid with either 2 life or 1 mana of its compone...
player A player
power The amount of damage dealt in combat
power_modifier A numeric modifier to apply to a creature's power
rarity An ability associated with a card
rules_text The text describing what an ability does
snow A snow mana cost can be paid with a snow source, regardless of its color
source The entity responsible for an action
target The entity targeted by an action or constraint
time_spec A specification of the time of an event
time_specifications Time specifications in the collection
toughness The amount of damage needed to destroy a creature
toughness_modifier A numeric modifier to apply to a creature's toughness
turn_phase A phase of the game
type_line The text line below a card's illustration containing the card's type, subtype...
union A disjunction of two objects (a or b)
unit The type of quantity described by a value
value The numeric part of a quantitative value
value_spec A specification for the value of a property
value_specifications Values in the collection
variable A variable quantity whose numeric values if set based on a condition or effec...
variable_cost Whether a cost is variable
variable_power Whether a creature's power is variable
variable_toughness Whether a creature's toughness is variable


Enumeration Description
AbilityKeyword A passive ability represented by word that substitutes for a piece of rules t...
Action An action taken by a player or card
Color A color, such as Black, Blue, Red, Green, White or Colorless
Player One or more human players
Rarity The rarity of the card, may be one of Common, Uncommon, Rare or Mythic
TimeConstraint A constraint on the time of an event
TurnPhase A time during the turn


Type Description
xsd:boolean A binary (true or false) value
xsd:string a compact URI
xsd:date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
linkml:DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
xsd:dateTime The combination of a date and time
xsd:decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
xsd:double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
xsd:float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
xsd:integer An integer
xsd:string Prefix part of CURIE
shex:nonLiteral A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
shex:iri A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
xsd:string A character string
xsd:dateTime A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
xsd:anyURI a complete URI
xsd:anyURI a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description